Sunday 29 April 2012


Hey All!!

Finally – All my reasons have run out!! Mind you, it took me around 2 years… From the first time I decided to start my blog..

But the procrastinating soul in me has become a lot more tamed now – some things that Motherhood teaches you.. Believe me, it was after my baby that I realised that some things, no most things, are done better right now  than later.. In saying later, you leave a chance that it might not happen at all – And some times it gets really scary – Like the time we completely ran out of baby diapers at 12 in the night!!! :P Thankfully I found one in of the bags I had left unpacked (this time thanks to my procrastination!!!)
But I believe, that moment was focal in this process of transformation that I am currently going through!!

Why did I think of starting my blog in the first place???
Ø  To share with you more on my passions  - Food, travel & the latest one( My baby - Saksham) – not necessarily in that order
Ø  To find like minded souls in the internet village and learn a lot more from all you learned people out there

And so, here I sit on the eve of my 30th birthday to embark on another experience which I had always wanted to have – Blogging..

Join me in this journey called life. Personally my name for it is Maits-potpourri!!!
